junk bottle - translation to γερμανικά
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junk bottle - translation to γερμανικά

Junk Rig; Junk-rigged; Junk sail
  • A bronze mirror of Thang, Wu Tai, or Sung date, shows a ship with a square sail. Shaanxi Provincial Museum, Xi'an.
  • ''Keying'']] was a Chinese ship that employed a junk sailing rig''.''
  • The Colvin rig: a modified schooner which combines a fore-and-aft jib sail with junk-rigged main and fore sails using minimal standing rigging. It is sometimes asserted that this foresail design can improve the rig's ability to sail to windward.<ref>http://www.thomasecolvin.com/ Thomas Colvin naval architect</ref>
  • The modern junk sail assembled: showing the 4 corners and the 4 sides necessary to understand [[sail trim]].
  • spars]], [[standing rigging]], and [[sailcloth]].
  • boom]].
  • Tagalog]] [[outrigger ship]] with junk sails from [[Manila]], 19th century
  • A Southeast Asian ship with battened sails, Cambodia, 12–13th century CE.
  • The points of sail: A. In Irons (head to wind); B. Close Hauled (against the wind); C. Reaching (across the wind); D. Broad reaching (downwind); E. Running (with the wind).

junk bottle      
n. schwere Flasche aus dicken und dunkelfarbigem Gals
feeding bottle         
  • A "vented" bottle is also sometimes marked as an "anti-[[colic]]" bottle.
  • Baby with feeding bottle, 1922
  • Advertisement for Burr's Improved Nursing Bottle, one brand of "murder bottle"
  • Bottle warmer with thermostat
  •  Alexandra feeding bottle, sold with a screw glass stopper, early 1900s
  • [[Newborn]] drinking milk from a bottle
  • Early medieval infant feeding bottle from Castkedyke Cemetery, Barton upon Humber, from a display at the North Lincolnshire Museum
  • Animal shaped ceramic feeding bottle from [[Regensburg, Germany]] (ca. 1350–800 BCE)
  • Baby bottle nipples (teats) made of clear silicone
  • alt=
Bottle Feeding; Bottle feeding; Bottle-feeding; 🍼; Feeding bottle; Baby bottles; Bottlefeed; Vented bottle; 🧑‍🍼; 👩‍🍼; 👩🏻‍🍼; 👩🏼‍🍼; 👩🏽‍🍼; 👩🏾‍🍼; 👩🏿‍🍼; 👨‍🍼; 👨🏻‍🍼; 👨🏼‍🍼; 👨🏽‍🍼; 👨🏾‍🍼; 👨🏿‍🍼; 🧑🏻‍🍼; 🧑🏼‍🍼; 🧑🏽‍🍼; 🧑🏾‍🍼; 🧑🏿‍🍼
baby bottle         
  • A "vented" bottle is also sometimes marked as an "anti-[[colic]]" bottle.
  • Baby with feeding bottle, 1922
  • Advertisement for Burr's Improved Nursing Bottle, one brand of "murder bottle"
  • Bottle warmer with thermostat
  •  Alexandra feeding bottle, sold with a screw glass stopper, early 1900s
  • [[Newborn]] drinking milk from a bottle
  • Early medieval infant feeding bottle from Castkedyke Cemetery, Barton upon Humber, from a display at the North Lincolnshire Museum
  • Animal shaped ceramic feeding bottle from [[Regensburg, Germany]] (ca. 1350–800 BCE)
  • Baby bottle nipples (teats) made of clear silicone
  • alt=
Bottle Feeding; Bottle feeding; Bottle-feeding; 🍼; Feeding bottle; Baby bottles; Bottlefeed; Vented bottle; 🧑‍🍼; 👩‍🍼; 👩🏻‍🍼; 👩🏼‍🍼; 👩🏽‍🍼; 👩🏾‍🍼; 👩🏿‍🍼; 👨‍🍼; 👨🏻‍🍼; 👨🏼‍🍼; 👨🏽‍🍼; 👨🏾‍🍼; 👨🏿‍🍼; 🧑🏻‍🍼; 🧑🏼‍🍼; 🧑🏽‍🍼; 🧑🏾‍🍼; 🧑🏿‍🍼
n. Babyflasche, Flasche mit der ein Baby gefüttert wird


feeding bottle
also feeding-bottle (feeding bottles)
A feeding bottle is a plastic bottle with a special rubber top through which a baby can suck milk or other liquids. (mainly BRIT; in AM, use nursing bottle


Junk rig

The junk rig, also known as the Chinese lugsail, Chinese balanced lug sail, or sampan rig, is a type of sail rig in which rigid members, called battens, span the full width of the sail and extend the sail forward of the mast.

While relatively uncommon in use among modern production sailboats, the rig's advantages of easier use and lower maintenance for blue-water cruisers have been explored by individuals such as trans-Atlantic racer Herbert "Blondie" Hasler and author Annie Hill.

The term "junk rig" or sometimes simply "junk" is the name recorded by Europeans when they first encountered the ships in use by the Chinese.